this is some stuff that I found in various locations - don't try this
unless you are running out of other options.
VMX-file parameters
- unsorted trouble-shooting
this is some stuff that I found in various locations - don't try this
unless you are running out of other options.
Windows guests don't install on Linux hosts
Use this parameters for the installation only - once your guest is installed
remove them.
magicboot1 = "400"
Possible values are "800", "1600", "3200",
"6400" maXimum value is "10000"
Reference: knowledgebase
NT 4 crashes with core dump
cdrom.minvirtualtime = "100"
Don't use if it doesn't help - affects performance!
Windows-guest hangs at boot
Some possible reasons:
Unformatted floppy image connected at boot-time: don't use unformatted images during a boot-cycle. If you add a new blank floppy-image always format it at once - also unconnect any unused images.
Network related:
Sometimes Windows-guests have problems to probe the virtual Nics at boot-time: try
vnet.dontProbe = "TRUE"
Don't use it if you don't need it - it affects performance.